The Home Mission Foundation Presents a Resolution of Appreciation to John M. Fisher
Throughout the history of Lutheran Men in Mission and the Home Mission Foundation, There have been Christian laymen who stepped up to provide exemplary leadership and service.
John M. Fisher, a native of Rowan County and a lifelong member of Wittenberg Lutheran Church, Granite Quarry, has worked faithfully to ensure that both Lutheran Men and the Home Mission Foundation remain solid and effective ministries within North Carolina and throughout the nation.

Roger Lyman (Left), President of the Home Mission Foundation, presents John M. Fisher a Resolution of Appreciation for his service to Lutheran Men and the Home Mission Foundation
John developed at an early age a commitment to serve God, his country and his family as demonstrated when he earned his Eagle Scout, using those values for service in leadership roles throughout his numerous church, civic and professional endeavors.
John has served on the Home Mission Foundation board for 35 years, having been elected as a director in 1988 and having the distinction of serving in every officer position—serving as Secretary for fifteen years; Treasurer for six years; Vice President for two years and President from 2011 through 2021, and currently serving as a Director. During John’s presidency, the managed assets have increased from $3.9 million in 2012 to $4.7 million in 2021. His leadership enabled the Foundation to respond favorably to loan and grant requests and increase scholarship assistance to seminarians.
With the never-ending support of his wife, Joy and his loving family and prayers, perhaps John’s most incredible legacy is providing to all who know him an example of daily courage and strength to continue to live a life full of service to others despite his physical challenges—never shying away from the responsibilities required of the task at hand.
The Home Mission Foundation Board of Directors do express appreciation, love and thanksgiving to JOHN M. FISHER for continuing to share his many God-given talents, his time and his treasures on behalf of his church, family and community in ways that inspire and challenge us all!
Home Mission Foundation Awards 2022 Scholarship Recipients
Roger Lyman, President of the Home Mission Foundation, announced the Mary Ona Wolf and Home Mission Foundation Seminarian Scholarships awarded for 2022. In December, a total of $95,630.50 was mailed to the recipients for their training and education as new pastors.
Jonathan Webster, Scholarship Committee Chairperson, describes the program, “The Scholarship Fund receives large amounts annually with individual amounts being distributed to many seminarians each year. In addition, scholarships are supported by two Home Mission Foundation Funds: the Mary Ona Wolf Scholarship Fund and the Home Mission Fund.”
Ms. Mary Ona Wolf created the Mary Ona Wolf Scholarship Fund to educate and train pastors for the NC and SC Synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Her estate provided over a half million dollars to form the Fund’s corpus, whose income supports seminarians from North and South Carolina seeking a Master of Divinity Degree.
The Fund provides financial support for each North and South Carolina Seminary Student. Also, the Fund recognizes achievement and merit through a First Year Merit Award, an Internship Award and an award for all Newly-Ordained Pastors in the Synod.
“The Home Mission Fund of the Home Mission Foundation provides additional support to seminarians from the North Carolina Synod, ELCA and the NALC (North) Carolinas Mission District seeking a seminary degree. The Fund gives an equal amount to each of these students. Unfortunately, the cost of a seminary education continues to rise each year. Men and women who receive the Call to Ministry should not be discouraged by the necessary cost of such education to achieve God’s goal before them. Seminarians are very thankful for this support, expressed in the many thank-you notes received each year. The Home Mission Foundation remains passionately committed to Scholarship as one of its major programs.”